Your Voice

STU Flashes, newsletters, Teams messages, addenda and oral interventions

STU/66th Council/15/033
1st October 2015

Dear colleagues,

As you know, in November 2014, the STU suspended its relations with the Administration following its constant refusal to take into account our comments and proposals.

However, STU has continued to follow up on important issues, press f...

23 September 2015

Dear colleagues,

The Headquarters Committee will be meeting again tomorrow, Thursday 24 September 2015. AIPU and STU took note with concern of the document 189 COM/SIEGE/10 concerning "auxiliary services", including Restaurant services and the Commissary.

AIPU and STU are i...

STU/66th Council/15/031
18 September 2015

Career Development in UNESCO:
Results of STU Survey

We are pleased to share with you the results of the survey launched this summer by STU on Career Development.

Nearly 500 colleagues have expressed their opinion and expectations on the subject.


STU/66th Council/15/029
21 July 2015

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that, following our repeated requests to the Administration, colleagues redeployed in 2014 on posts at a lower grade have regained their pensions rights acquired before their transfer.

We thank the Administra...

STU/66th Council/15/028
10 July 2015

Dear colleagues,

Please find here the response of the Director-General to our open letter dated 6 July.

We consider that some of answers to our questions are incomplete or partial and will discuss with the Director-General during the meeting that she is pr...

STU/66th Council/15/026
6 July 2015

5 questions about Career Development

STU would like to have your opinion on career development. Thank you for taking part in this important survey that should not take more than a minute to complete. Be assured that all answers you provide will be kept in the...

STU/66th Council/15/025
3 July 2015

Dear colleagues,

The summer is here! To celebrate its arrival, we are inviting you to discuss over a drink on Thursday 9 July, from 12:30 to 2:30 , in Fontenoy, on the esplanade leaving the salle des Pas perdus and leading to the Japanese garden.

We h...

STU/66th Council/15/024
24 June 2015

Save the date: STU Townhall Discussion

The STU brings your concerns to all staff meeting with the Director- General

Following the success and positive reception of STU’s first Townhall discussion, we are happy to announce that the next one will be held on


STU/66th Council/15/023
23 June 2015

Please find hereafter the results of the petition held from 9 to 21 June 2015 on the reestablishment of one month breastfeeding leave:

Signatories: 442

In favour: 441

Against: 1

We thank you again for your invaluable support!

STU/66th Council/15/022
17 June 2015

UNESCO Staff and the STU warmly welcome the 8-week Special Leave with Full Pay for breastfeeding purposes (see AC/HR/47), as can be attested by STU’s ongoing petition whereby over 400 votes were cast in favour of reinstating one- month leave for breastfeedin...