Your Voice

STU Flashes, newsletters, Teams messages, addenda and oral interventions

STU/66th Council/14/012
12 June 2014

Dear colleagues,

In the difficult times we are going through, and even if we are remaining vigilant about further developments of the redeployment process, it is time for a break.

That is why we are inviting you to discuss over a drink on Tuesday 17 June,...

STU/66th Council/14/010
3 June 2014

Dear colleagues,

The first phase of the redeployment process has been completed.

The STU has contributed fully to this process, by commenting on the proposals for abolition of occupied posts at Headquarters (in February) and in the field (in March) and by p...

STU/66th Council/14/009
30 April 2014

Appeals procedure relating to the dispute of an administrative decision

Letters notifying the abolition of post have now been handed to staff.

For those of you who wish to challenge the decision of abolition of their post/this decision to the Appeal’s Boa...

STU/66th Council/14/008
18 April 2014

The Redeployment process has begun

The Redeployment process began this morning, Friday April 18 2014. Managers (ADG and EO) of Sectors/Bureaux started to hand deliver to each staff member concerned the letter confirming the definite abolition of their post...

STU/66th Council /14/007
15 April 2014

STU says YES to reform but NO to nepotism …

Current practices in human resources management go against the objectives of the reform. STU has documented knowledge of such practices, which it regularly denounces to the Administration.

Practices that reflec...

STU/66th Council/14/006
10 April 2014

Dear colleagues,

You will find below the oral intervention, delivered by STU on 9 April 2014 during the meeting of the FA Commission at the 194th Session of the Executive Board.


  1. STU is convinced of the need to reform the Organization in the cont...

STU/66th Council/14/004
8 April 2014

The STU says Yes to reform! But not at any price…

Protection by the STU of staff rights does not intend to block the reform process, but rather to ensure that the target set by Member States and the Director-General is reached:

A more efficient and profe...

STU/66th Council/14/002
1 April 2014

Dear Colleagues,

During our last meeting with HRM, we were informed orally by DIR/HRM that the Administration aimed to send letters concerning the abolishment of posts to the concerned colleagues before the beginning of the Executive Board starting on Wedne...

17 March 2014

Dear colleagues,

The ordinary session of the Staff Assembly , in accordance with the STU rules of procedure, will take place this year on

Wednesday 26 March 2014 at 12.30 p.m. in Room XII (Fontenoy).

Proposals of abolitions of occupied posts at Headquarters and ...