28 June 2013

The UNESCO Staff Union (STU) reaffirms the staff’s right to consultation, negotiation and representation. Staff must be consulted with regard to their conditions of work, through their elected representatives. The staff associations request that Management abide by the principles of good staff- management relations. A healthy relationship between Management and staff must be based on mutual respect and trust. In times of change, it is vital that communication takes place in timely fashion in order to avoid a situation of “fait accompli” and to allow for true dialogue and cooperation. Withholding critical information from staff works against the interests of the UNESCO as a whole.

UNESCO’s most valuable asset is its staff , as Ms Bokova herself has repeatedly emphasized. However, the current prolonged period of uncertainty and the vague perspective of precariousness have had a significant impact on staff morale. STU firmly believes that in order to fulfil its mandate in times of budget cuts, the Organization’s greatest resource must be mobilized and not demoralized.

Regarding future prospects for staff, STU has requested information from HRM and has met the DG.

In order to continue conveying clearly your sentiments to the Administration, the STU is convening a

Staff Assembly on Monday 8 July in Room XII (Fontenoy)

at 12.30 p.m.

to address issues that affect all staff members in the current crisis, namely redeployment, mobility and selection procedures.

Only through uniting our forces can we ensure that the staff’s voice will be heard.

The STU Council.

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