Focus on Redeployment

STU/5th BE/13/010

Following the publication today of the administrative circular on Redeployment Group, STU wishes to inform that we took part in the discussions on the “Measures to Facilitate the Redeployment of Staff” circular, and we are pleased to inform you that a number of points raised by STU Council were incorporated into the circular :

  • The Redeployment Group will examine proposals rather than decisions by Sectors or Services. This is essential to avoid the already proven lack of transparency which characterizes sectorial decentralization.
  • Revision of the draft to stipulate at least 2 offers per person.
  • The possibility for Staff Associations to designate a representative (instead of their presidents) to make sure to have a representative from each area of competence or expertise who is fully able to defend your interests.
  • Deletion of the wording “when available” relating to the competency/skills assessment, while it is essential that redeployment decisions be based on the results of a UNESCO-wide exercise to establish transparently and objectively the competencies of each and every staff member. This needs to be done before any redeployment decisions are taken, as it is only logical that these decisions must be made on the basis of competencies matching post requirements.
  • Full involvement and participation of STU in the Redeployment Group as active member.

We also would like to inform you that despite STU’s repeated requests, some specific items relating to staff rights and conditions of work have not been taken into account. STU requested:

  • A termination notice period of six months instead of three months.
  • An increase up to 50% of statutory termination indemnity in cases where the staff member cannot accept the post offered.
  • The deletion of ‘strive to’ in the sentence: “The Redeployment Group will strive to make at least 2 offers …”
  • Redeployment is handled in one global exercise.

Accordingly, STU reiterates these requests and will continue to work in this direction. Moreover, STU feels that redeployment of staff should be handled in one global exercise , which is the only way to ensure that best possible matches are made between redeployed staff members and available posts, and not in several phases as is the current plan with AOs of central services.

STU is determined to remain vigilant on the transparent application of this circular, should redeployment become necessary. If you are informed of any action which differs from this Circular, please get in touch with STU Secretariat and we will be ready to assist you. Let's continue our dialogue!

Come what may, ISAU and STU have agreed anew to spare no efforts to work together to defend staff rights in this new phase in UNESCO’s financial crisis.

The STU Council

* STU reaffirms the right of UNESCO staff to be consulted with regard to their conditions of work, though their duly elected representatives, and requests that Management abide by the principles of good-staff management relations and reconsider the decision.

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