STU/67th Council/17/021
21 September 2017
Madame Director-General,
On the eve of the 202nd session of the Executive Board, the STU would like to
recall the following points:
- To date, 9 colleagues who were downgraded after the redeployment exercise in 2014 have not yet recovered their previous grades.
- The item 3.1 F (27) of the Human Resources Manual stipulates that the Administration shall make every effort, « within a reasonable amount of time (normally one year) », to find a post of equal grade for a person transferred to a post of lower grade. However, in the case of the staff concerned, the Administration has still not implemented any measures , three years later, to regularize their situation.
- The ILOAT recalls in its judgment No. 809, which condemns UNESCO, that the loss of more than one grade in a transfer would constitute a sanction for the staff member. Thus, the Administration must treat its staff in such a way as to respect their dignity and reputation. However, two staff members were downgraded 2 or 3 grades after the redeployment exercise.
- The colleagues transferred to lower-level posts are in the same situation of fact and of law , it is clear that the beneficial measures which will be taken with regard to some will have to be applied to the others.
At the same time, the Administration does not hesitate to grant promotions,
but, alleging a lack of means, fails to rectify the deplorable situation
of the aforementioned colleagues, witch however requires no financial
effort but only goodwill.
We are therefore appealing to you, for the last time, Madame Director-General:
before leaving the Organization, reestablish the rights of our colleagues.
Best regards,
The STU Council.