Dear colleagues,

In recent years STU has adopted at least three different approaches and working methods in relation to the Administration:

  1. constructive cooperation and active engagement with HRM in formulation of policies and comments on their proposals as well as frequent participation in several personnel-related meetings;
  2. a “neutral” position based on case-by-case cooperation with the Administration when the situation calls for it and;
  3. a more critical view of the Administration owing to a lack of trust resulting from a feeling that STU and staff and their contributions are not taken seriously and into account (including suspension of relations with the Administration).

The STU has clearly informed staff (and others) of these different approaches over time, be it by way of information “Flashes” or by its actions that have been made public.

Today, in order to better assess the situation and meet your concerns, we ask you to answer the following questions as honestly and directly as possible:

Answers will of course remain anonymous.

The deadline for sending in your replies is 16 January 2015.

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