STU/65th Council/13/020
8 November 2013
Dear colleagues,
You will find attached the oral intervention, delivered by STU on 7 November 2013 during the third meeting of the APX Commission at the 37th Session of the General Conference, and here the addendum of the STU on the document 37 C/6: “Recommendations by the Executive Board on the draft programme and budget for 2014-2017”.
Thank you Mister Chairperson,
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,
Dear colleagues,
1. The STU is alarmed to note that the draft budget of 507 million dollars entails a reduction of 438 staff positions compared with document 36C/5.
2. In line with a number of Member States, the STU notes that the planned job cuts reflect book keepers’ arithmetics, which fail to provide for a realistic restructuring of UNESCO’s programmes and activities. How have these posts been determined? How will the strategic allocation of human resources meet the priorities requested by the Executive Board in Decision 5X/EX/2??
3. The STU recognizes the need for reform and the fact that the budget has been reduced, but their impact on human resources cannot be accepted without regard for programme needs. Staff members are enduring stressful and demotivating working conditions. The STU will spare no effort in defending the interests of both the staff and the Organization’s programme.
4. The External Auditor’s report on the management of the budgetary and financial crisis of UNESCO (191EX/28) does not recommend the termination of staff, but it urges “that there be no further delay in developing and implementing a comprehensive and strategic staff restructuring plan”.
5. While it is constantly reiterated and recognized that UNESCO’s staff constitutes the Organization’s main asset, the Administration clearly favours the reduction of posts and staff in its draft restructuring strategy. What was only envisaged as a possibility in Decision 5X/EX/2, has become the main purpose of the Administration, in contradiction of both spirit and letter of the Executive Board’s Decision. (Item 6E ii)
6. UNESCO’s Constitution places humanism at the core of the Organization’s unique mandate. The STU alerts the Director-General and the Member States that, in the complete absence of clear justifications for terminations, a clear programmatic restructuring, a human resources emergency plan, practical solidarity mechanisms, terminations would violate UNESCO’s humanist essence.
Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for your attention.