STU/70th Council/23/028
8 November 2023
42 C/45: Staff Salaries, Allowances and Benefits
Paragraph 7-8 - Parental leave revised scheme
STU welcomes ICSC's approval of the long-awaited new parental leave framework. This framework goes in the right direction and will improve the overall well- being of staff members. STU also welcomes the Secretariat's efforts to establish and implement transitional measures for 2023, and requests that this revised framework be adopted by UNESCO as soon as possible.
STU reads with concern that “it is anticipated that UNESCO may not be able to fully fund replacement of staff on parental leave” and requests clarifications about the availability of funds (1.5 million for the biennium) in the 42 C/5 to fully implement such a revised scheme.
Paragraph 22 and 27 - Cost of living survey and revision of maximum rents for Paris
STU recalls the inclusive process that, in 2022, led to the revision of post adjustment index in Headquarters for Professionals and higher categories and requests the administration to adopt the same participatory approach for the upcoming cost of life survey for the GS category, scheduled for 2024. STU will be doing its utmost to encourage the staff concerned to take part in this important exercise.
STU, while noting that the Reasonable Maximum rents for Paris have been revised, wishes to underline the lack of transparent information from ICSC on the impact of the post adjustment revisions on the rental subsidy thresholds, for the 2022 exercise.