It is time to join us!

STU/70th Council/22/015
6 July 2022

Dear colleagues,

My name is Mary Moné and I took up my functions as the new President of the STU in April 2022. I would like to share with you my goal as President.

It is to bring a new dynamism to the STU and create a people centered staff union. Yes, we have challenges, however, we have a mandate to serve, You, our colleagues, who need support and guidance in defense of your rights, that is the STU’s priority.

I also believe that it is our differences that bring us together. It is our differences that make our ideas more meaningful. It is our differences that create a team that is one of a kind. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst…a spark that creates extraordinary results.

UNESCO is our house and we, its personnel, carry its noble values in our work each and every day. We must uphold, and sometimes regain pride in working for our Organisation.

In order to bring the STU into the future, we, the STU Council, need your support.

  • The STU Council colleagues are ready to voice your opinions, ideas and concerns to the Administration , and that is why we need to know what you expect from the Union and how you think we can better serve you. In September, the STU will launch a staff survey, giving you the chance to express your needs, your expectations, even your criticism, which will form the basis of our 2023/2024 plan of work, taking into account Your priorities, Your concerns, Your needs.
  • The STU stands continuously in front of the Administration for your rights and interests. If not yet done, become a member to show your solidarity, give us the strength, legitimacy and support we need to work for you.
  • The STU is part of the Federation of International Civil Servants’ Associations (FICSA) which is a federated group of 31 UN staff associations and unions, bringing your voice to the High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM) and the Chiefs Executive Board (CEB) in order to foster the development of the international civil service in accordance with the principles set forth in UNESCO’s constitution and the United Nations Charter. FICSA represent the interests of international civil servants in interagency bodies and legislative organs of the common system in order to safeguard staff rights and benefits.

On behalf of the STU Council, I wish you safe holidays and valuable time with your family and loved ones.

Unmute your voice, together we are stronger. Join us, join the STU: defend your rights and make a difference. The STU has decided to launch an exceptional offer of -50% off our normal rates for the remainder of 2022 (Headquarters - Field). Now you have another great reason to join our ranks!

Best regards,

The STU President
for the STU Council

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