STU/67th Council/16/027
9 December 2016

Dear colleagues,

On 1st December last, the STU sent you the results of our survey on catering at UNESCO; please find them again here for easy reference.

They can be summarized as follows:

  • Nearly 80% of people who responded consider the quality of dishes at the Cafeteria on the 7th floor in Fontenoy as fair or bad ;
  • Furthermore, nearly 75% deem the prices too high ;
  • Concerning the Cafeteria in Bonvin, heavily used by Delegations, NGOs and UNEP, over 50% of people who responded consider the dishes to be fair or bad , as well as, too expensive (for 55% of them);
  • Besides, comments show a big concern for the interruption in the use of the card machines : staff want to know when will the system be restored and when they will be refunded?

Moreover, also on the 1st of December, we asked Administration to react concerning this daily problem. To this day, we received from MSS/EO only a vague answer, thanking us for the survey.

Hence, the STU requests the Administration to publish in an open letter to the whole staff, before the 15th of December, a list of urgent measures that will be taken to improve the situation.

Best regards,

The STU Council.

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