How many posts occupied?

STU/65th Council/13/009
13 September 2013

At the Hall meeting on 6 September with DDG and DIR/HRM, STU asked how many occupied**posts would be abolished in the 2014-2015 biennium**. The Administration replied that it was premature to announce a number before the end of the General Conference and the voluntary separation exercise.

STU, however, with data provided by the Administration itself, has established a chart (here) which shows that on 1 January 2014 there will be 1 454 posts for 1 462 people. A solution would thus have to be found for only EIGHT staff members.

Which scenario will the Administration opt for?

STU demands that all external recruitment be halted immediately.

Moreover, STU continues to be concerned about the lack of transparency in**the restructuring exercise and urges the SMT to ensure that staff are**fully and actively involved in reshaping UNESCO.

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